Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010


Life After A Novel

Life After A Novel

"Life After Life" grabbed me right from the start and just didn't let go. Atkinson uses what sounds like a plot device from science fiction--a character who dies and is reborn repeatedly--but the book does not read like a science fiction/fantasy novel. The setting is an often used time in history with the bulk of the story set in WWII, but it's not exactly historical fiction either. There are elements of literary fiction too, but that alone can't describe it. "Life After Life" is an original that transcends genres to tell its own story, and its a great one. Atkinson manages to write Ursula's tale with all of the necessary repetitions in it without ever making it repetitious or letting the pace lag. The chapter lengths vary widely throughout. Sometimes Ursula's life is quite short, other times longer, and this creates a lively rhythm. The plot winds around in a Nautilus shell spiral, perfectly shaped and fascinating in its twists and turns. I particularly enjoyed when Ursula began having deja vu like memories from previous lives and began reacting sharply to seemingly innocuous events that lead to her death in previous lives. The most delightful thing about the book for me was trying to see how she origamied all the events and patterns in Ursula's lives to form the whole of the story. This is the best book I have read this year, and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Kate Atkinson can apparently do anything as a writer, and I plan to keep reading her. Thanks to the publisher for my advance copy, the gushing is all my own.

Get your Life After A Novel Now!

6 komentar:

  1. I have a Filipino report coming, and I have to relate El Fili's author's life to novel's fourteenth chapter, which is The House of the Students. Any help? My teacher said something about the debate between Rizal and his fellow propagandists regarding their paper.

  2. I'm new to writing, but i know that it is something that i want to do for the rest of my life. My first novel is really good, but i feel i'm in the dark for who to send it to. i've done research and i realized that there are a LOT of publishing companies, agents, and online do it yourself publishing. which would be the best?

  3. I have to write an essay, in which i analyze the importance of the ponds and pond life/insect life in the novel. any ideas you have and if possible quotes to back them up would be much appreciated.

  4. Is life a novel that's already been written or a lottery, so to speak?

  5. My dad, nephew and I all love comic books, sci fi, fantasy and horror movies. We all get together and talk about spirituality and the supernatural and we love movies, TV and comic books. My mom brother and sister all hate those things and only like true life stuff like true life crime novels and stories and things and they hate most movies in general and don't even go to the movies. What's wrong with them?

  6. Im 13 yrs.old and i love to read. I like to read about teen girls. i dont like books like twilight or harry potter. I also hate the hunger games. I do like books like A Charmed Life Novel(my favorite series ever!), Holly's Heart, and A Match Made in High School. I know i am very specific, but please help. Thx so much :)
